
Farhan Zafar

Farhan Zafar, MD
Farhan Zafar, MD, MS
Cincinnati Children's
what made you want to join ACTION? What Is Your Favorite ACTION Memory?

It’s hard to point to one, but my favorite memories have always been the moments when I heard stories from patients/families and the impact ACTION is having on the maturation of the field. The optimism that working together will make the difference made me join ACTION. 

What project are you most excited about moving forward in ACTION?  

Wearables project and TRACTION (trials in ACTION) are the ones I am most excited about.

Where is your favorite travel destination? 

There are still many places on my list to explore, but for now it’s the island of Hawai’I (the Big Island), Hawaii. It is my favorite because it presents many different landscapes and climates in a relatively small piece of land, which gives me a unique perspective on life every time I am there, plus Hapuna beach on the island is the best beach I have ever been to.

What is your favorite book? 

“How full is your bucket” by Tom Rath and Don Clifton. It gave me a new meaning of give and take in every interaction, some fill your bucket and some dip from it, chose it appropriately.

What’s one thing that other ACTION members wouldn’t know about you? 

I am known for my culinary skills in my close circle and can make some delicate kabobs and desserts.