ACTION unites and connects our global healthcare community to improve outcomes for patients with heart failure.
This is the power of ACTION.
More than 14,000 hospitalizations related to pediatric heart failure occur annually in the United States alone. Heart failure in pediatrics varies greatly, and patients experience a wide range of outcomes. Additionally, research for pediatric heart failure is underfunded. The need is clear: our patients need better care and better outcomes.
Since 2017, we have continued to grow and engage an international community uniting our key stakeholders: patients, families, clinicians, researchers, payors, and industry. Using a quality improvement and research-based approach, we work in collaboration with each other, sharing data, finding better solutions, and discovering new innovations.

network sites

network members
Improving care for patients with:

Exercise is vital to heart health!
Check out our new video series starring Justine Shertzer, a pediatric exercise physiologist and a member of ACTION, and Julian Lerner, an actor, singer, musician, and ACTION Ambassador. These videos are intended to be used by both healthy kids and heart patients, under the advisement of their care team.
Our Latest

We’re improving outcomes, reducing adverse events, and enhancing the quality of our heart disease patient’s lives.

Publications help us share our research, experiences and learnings across our healthcare community.

We make learning accessible for for all patients and families! We’re also educating providers and sharing across our network.

Hear stories from our community of patients and their families about hope, inspiration, challenges, and heart success.
Our Collaborators
We are thankful to work with many organizations dedicated to improving outcomes for children and adults with heart failure.