SGLT2 Inhibitors

The Pulse - January 2024

The Pulse — January 2024

Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season and are energized for a new year! We wrapped 2023 with the launch of several exciting projects, such as the HeartMate 3TM Discharge Bundle and Heart Healthy Video Series, we continued access to the Berlin Heart Active Driver under the extended trial, and we published new ACTION research. Looking ahead this year we have been meeting individually with all ACTION sites to ensure successful engagement in ACTION and highlight membership benefits for each center. We are excited to expand quality improvement, education, research, and best practice initiatives across the network, as well as engage with Global centers and increase advocacy efforts in the pediatric heart failure space. Reach out with any new ideas for the year ahead. Thank you for your continued efforts!

The Pulse — July 2023

We hope you are enjoying your summer vacations and finding time to soak up the longer sunnier days of the year with your families!
Looking ahead to the Fall, we are working with several committees to prepare new projects for launch. Some of these projects include a new Discharge Bundle for VAD patients and new interventions for the Fontan Referral project. We have also been working diligently to increase enrollment and data entry in our heart failure and muscular dystrophy registries. This critical data will help support the development of future projects. We appreciate everyone’s efforts throughout the busy summer to keep our important ACTION work moving along!