fontan circulatory failure

Fontan Circulatory Failure

Adult and pediatric surgery patients may develop signs and symptoms of heart failure or other organ diseases due to their Fontan circulation. These patients may need treatment such as cardiac medicines, mechanical devices, or transplantation.

Systemic ventricular assist device support of the Fontan circulation yields promising outcomes: An analysis of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Pedimacs and Intermacs Databases

VAD support for patients with Fontan circulatory failure is increasing, yet outcomes are largely unknown. Published on Nov. 21, 2021, Systemic ventricular assist device support of the Fontan circulation yields …

Systemic ventricular assist device support of the Fontan circulation yields promising outcomes: An analysis of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Pedimacs and Intermacs Databases Read More »